Promiseland Academy is a Christian-based daycare and preschool predicated on caring for and training children from a Christian perspective and foundation. Our goal is to prepare your child for entrance into elementary school.
To that end, we offer the following unique services with smaller classroom settings and a new consumer friendly fee schedule:
- Daycare (1 Year to 4 Years)
- FREE VPK Preschool
- VPK Wraparound Care

We pride ourselves in staying within state guidelies for classroom ratios. We also accept CDS assistance for daycare and VPK wraparound care. FREE VPK is avilable as a regular part of our services.
WEE Learn Curriculum now being offered Promiseland is now utilizing the Weekday Early Education (WEE) Learn curriculum ages 12 months – VPK to better help children develop foundational skills that are appropriate to, but also challenging to their age group, in a variety of communication disciplines like pre-reading, pre-writing, and language.
WEE Learn Foundational Skills
Utilizing a wide range of age-appropriate concepts, WEE Learn children engage in relationship-oriented activities that embrace physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual development. WEE Learn also uses Christian themes such as God, Jesus, Bible, church, family, self, others, community, and the world, to encourage childhood learning by exploring the environment.
We are presently taking reservations for Fall VPK as well as Daycare openings in our
Ones, Twos, Threes, and Fours.
If you have any questions or would like more information about any of our services and fees, please contact us at 352-694-1473. Or you may send an email to our school Director.
If you desire to be part of this tremendous ministry to children and families and would more information concerning employment contact Promiseland Academy at 352.694.1473 and as for Miss Susan!